As a business woman, it seemed only sensible to do what I know and treat my menopause like I was writing a business plan. Here's the plan that I followed :
1. Do your research
I did loads of research and after all the work I did, I concluded that the right solution for me was to take the Natural approach to see me through Menopause. HRT was not an option. This was due to several different risk factors and assessing my personal values. It offered me a more tailed personal approach. It is though my talks I can share lots of learning for those whom HRT isn't an option.
2. Learn from those who do it well
As in business, when we want to learn best practise we need to learn from those who do it best. In menopause terms there are some countries around the world that don't seem to struggle with menopause so much as we do in the West. Japan for example. I studied what they did and the astounding positive effects that could be easily achieved. In regard to what you eat, eating 'healthy' in the traditional sense might not be enough.
3. Analyse strengthen and weakness
Menopause is a time for being really honest with yourself. I looked long and hard at what I liked doing and what I didn't like doing. I also looked at what my strengths and weakness were. Then I had to make some changes (which were not always easy) especially removing those things that caused stress as these can be the tings that you think you love the most.
4. Give yourself optimum environment
When our bodies change during menopause we need to look at the environment and optimise it as much as we can to stay feeling good. Not always easy, but where there is a will there is a way
5. Long term vision with short term tactical actions
As with any challenge we need to have a least a small amount of hope that we can get through it. Then we need to take small baby steps to move towards our goal. I put in place lots of little things that added up all together to make me feel better in the moment. I stole this strategy from a chap called David Brailsford who made the Theory of Marginal Gains popular. It works for menopause too!
6. Stay calm at all costs
This is tricky I know but dealing with fears and staying calm is instrumental in thriving out of menopause.
7. Try something, evaluate then try something else
I can't tell you how many supplements, diets and exercise regimes I tried or the books I read or the things that didn't work. But isn't that part of an journey ; trial and error? I had to treat every problem as something to know not something to DO!
8. Assemble the team
In any business you can't do it on your own so you need to assemble your team. In my case it was family, friends, health practitioners doctors, woo woo people, the people I met in the street or the local pharmacist. You name it I went for it.Books. Websites. Everything was in my team, including our pet dog!
9 Communicate with yourself
Your thoughts and words become reality so you really need to make sure you are communicating with yourself in the right way. I did everything and sometimes got it wrong! You also need to communicate regularly with your team to keep them posted on how you are doing.
This is a short summary of the approach that I took and I hope to be able to share more of it in person if we meet
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